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Environmental consultancy with a national team of multi-disciplinary experts
Phlorum is a highly experienced multi-disciplinary national environmental and ecological consultancy. We are PCA-accredited Japanese knotweed specialists providing various services, including Japanese knotweed identification, surveys and Japanese knotweed removal. We also provide a range of other invasive plant management services, including Bamboo, Himalayan Balsam and Giant Hogweed.
Our team of experienced air quality consultants provide air quality monitoring and assessment services across southern England. This includes air quality strategy and management services for development and construction sites, as well as local air quality management services.
Our highly experienced team of ecology consultants provides ecology surveys for construction projects, industrial processes and businesses in general. This includes protected species surveys complemented by habitat creation and management plans.
We have a diverse team of environmental consultants with expertise ranging from noise and vibration and flood risk to renewable energy and sustainability assessments.