Case Study
Wates Homes - Air Quality
Client: Wates Homes
Project: Uckfield, East Sussex
Services: Technical air quality assessment
The Challenge: Wates Homes put together a planning application to develop 300 houses on a site on the outskirts of Uckfield, East Sussex. This was as part of a large regeneration programme for the town. The development proposal was to provide new homes that would be energy and resource efficient in their construction and operation. It was also a key aim to provide transport solutions that would encourage the use of modes of travel that are more sustainable and environmentally-friendly than privately owned cars.
Our Solution: Phlorum was involved at the pre-masterplan stage and provided input to the Environmental Impact Assessment process by producing a technical assessment of air quality impacts. This was for the design, construction and operation of the development. The assessment also looked at the combined impact of other large developments in the area as part of the regeneration programme and involved close consultations with relevant stakeholders, including Wealden District Council.
The assessment methodology and results were approved by the local authority. This resulted in housing being located closer to a busy road than was initially thought possible, which allowed more cost-effective use of the site area by Wates Homes. Planning permission was approved without any reassessment work being required by the client or by the council.