Phlorum assists Lime Aid
The poplars at Lime Tree Avenue in Uckfield needed to be felled after one crashed across the entrance to Uckfield Community College earlier this year.
The remaining stumps of the trees will be ground out but, as poplars are notorious for spreading shoots, the regrowth has been sprayed to stop new shoots sprouting as the land is prepared for re-planting with lime trees.
Phlorum donated both time and resources to carry out the work undertaken by Phlorum Consultant, Aidan Mackay (pictured).
Lime Aid Chairman, Dr Martyn Stenning, said he was very grateful for their help.
‘This is a very helpful donation to the efforts of Lime Aid to make the avenue safe, beautiful and well preserved for future generations,’ said Dr Stenning. ‘We would like to publicly thank Phlorum for this essential help which will prevent further unsafe poplars from growing up in the avenue.’
Dr Paul Beckett, director of Phlorum, which has offices at Falmer and in Manchester and operates nationwide, said: ‘We were very pleased to get involved with Lime Aid – we strongly believe in preserving historic environmental features.
‘We have sprayed with Roundup ProBiactive, a non-residual herbicide that will not affect the growth of the limes which are going to be planted.
‘We will be following the progress of Lime Aid and hope efforts are successful to restore this important feature.’