CfSH Assessor Training
Hi guys, last week I went on the Code for Sustainable Homes assessor course in London, hosted by Sustainable Homes Limited. This was a 3-day course, and went through all the aspects of assessment, including the credits in energy, water, surface water, ecology, health and wellbeing, pollution, management, waste and materials. All new homes are required to be assessed under the Code as of May 2008, with mandatory credits to be achieved in energy and water for each Code level. To reach level 3, for example, which is a common standard aspired to by social housing developers, a house has to have a reduction in energy demand 25% over 2006 Building Regs (which will be mandatory for all new housing from next year), a water consumption equal to or less than 105 litres/person/da, reach minimum standards in environmental performance of materials, management of surface water run-off and site and occupational waste management, as well as score a combined total of 53 using extra credits picked up in the other categories. Phew! I got to go back to London at the end of the month to do an exam, and after that (provided I pass) I will be accredited and ready to assess a development near you. No new home will be safe from my clipboard and pencil. Right, back to studying…