Phlorum Provides Offshore TENORM / NORM and Benzene Surveys
Last updated 11-07-2024
Phlorum staff have just returned from south-western Africa, where they conducted awareness training and surveys on Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM, or simply NORM) and benzene exposure.
This work was for the oil and gas sector and involved working on a series of offshore oil platforms. Benzene is a known carcinogen found in crude oil and natural gas. It can be absorbed through the skin and inhaled as a vapour into the lungs. Long-term health impacts can include increased risks of leukaemia and other cancers.
Thankfully, exposure can be significantly reduced by increasing ventilation in work areas, using appropriate coveralls and gloves to protect the skin, and using Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) to filter benzene vapours from the air. Ionising radiation from NORM is a significant concern to offshore oil and gas workers.
This is because irradiation and radioactive contamination risks from NORM can significantly increase due to naturally occurring radioactive isotopes concentrating their radioactivity in the form of plaques, scales, and sludges in affected pipework and vessels.
The main danger of NORM is the spreading and ingestion of radioactive contamination when containment is broken—e.g., from operating valves, changing filters, and vessel clean-out. Consequently, the most effective NORM prevention action usually centres around good housekeeping to quickly identify and clean up contamination.
As ionising radiation cannot be seen, heard or felt, specialist monitoring equipment such as dose gauges and contamination monitors is required. Phlorum staff hold various technical qualifications supporting our benzene and NORM survey work skills. These include a certified Radiation Protection Supervisor, a Radiation Protection Licence, and the Institute of Air Quality Management membership. For offshore work, we are also BOSIET compliant.
Please contact us for information on our air quality consultants‘ expertise in assessing occupational exposure to radiation and airborne toxic compounds and our air quality monitoring services,