Odour Survey and the World’s Smelliest Fruit?
At Phlorum we have considerable experience in undertaking odour surveys for restaurants across the UK and have developed a good working knowledge of Defra’s “Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems”. Odour problems can originate from any type of restaurant. However, our experience and the guidance are clear that fried foods and pungent, spicy cuisines (such as Oriental food) have the highest nuisance risk factors due to odour and grease loading.
Recently, Phlorum’s odour experts have undertaken surveys to confirm the efficacy of abatement technology and to settle a number of disputes. We have identified in the field those restaurants that have the greatest potential to cause a nuisance, and have also been able to recommend the type of mitigation likely to be most effective. This requires a good understanding of local issues, restaurant businesses, extraction systems and a close working relationship with ventilation engineers, local authorities, chefs and restaurateurs.