Environmental Assessment of Crematoria
Last updated 10-12-2021

Almost 80% of deaths in the UK are followed by cremation, which on a crowded island with a growing population can, in many ways, be considered the more sustainable option.
The total number of deaths in the UK each year is also generally increasing, which is placing an increasing load on the operation of existing crematoria. As, such, there is a need for new crematoria to be built, particularly in locations where demand is greatest.
Companies like Horizon Cremation are leading the way in developing and operating a new generation of community crematoria. These provide carefully considered modern buildings and facilities that fully appreciate the delicate needs of those using them.
As with any planning application for a new facility, the environmental impacts have to be assessed and mitigated, where appropriate. To this end, Phlorum has worked with Horizon Cremation on a number of their recent projects to provide environmental impact assessment services.
In doing so, Phlorum has relied on our portfolio of other project work, particularly our experience of completing air quality impact assessments for a range of crematoria and other incineration processes.
If you would like to find out more about how we can help with your environmental assessment needs for crematoria or any other incineration processes, please contact us. We would be very happy to help.