Case Study
Big Yellow
Client: Big Yellow
Project: Rugby Road, Twickenham
Services: Japanese knotweed eradication: – excavation and installation of a vertical root barrier.
The Challenge: We were asked to eradicate the Japanese knotweed on part of an industrial estate in readiness for a storage facility development. The client wanted a solution that was quick and cost effective.
The size and activity on site left no scope for on-site treatment/disposal of the knotweed contaminated material. Also, the knotweed was growing along the boundary fence of another property. This meant it was not possible to remove all of the rhizomes without undermining the party wall and adjacent car park.
Our Solution: Phlorum was able to combat these problems by carrying out a full excavation on the client’s side of the site boundary, along with the fitting of a vertical root barrier along the party wall in order to prevent any lateral migration of knotweed rhizomes back onto the site.
Phlorum staff limited the amount of material requiring excavation by carefully following the rhizome system, this ensured that only material containing knotweed rhizomes was removed and sent to land-fill. The area is now part of a monitored programme to ensure no re-growth occurs.