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Environmental Impact Assessment & Auditing

Phlorum will coordinate Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) work, providing a dedicated, client-centred service.

Our Clients

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We also utilise our expertise to provide environmental auditing services to our clients, get in touch for your FREE consultation.

We can assist you in the following areas:

  • Management of the consultation process;
  • Production of screening and scoping reports;
  • Environmental surveys;
  • Monitoring and production of baseline assessments;
  • Construction environmental management plans;
  • Environmental modelling and assessment of impacts;
  • Environmental Reports (ER) & Environmental Statements (ES);
  • Provision of expert witnesses.

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process

An EIA usually forms part of the planning process. It involves the production of an Environmental Statement to support the planning application for a proposed development. An EIA is mandatory for all proposed Schedule 1 planning projects and discretionary for proposed Schedule 2 projects.

To assist the process, developers can request from the relevant planning authority a ‘screening opinion’ (to see if their development proposal requires an EIA) and then a ‘scoping opinion’ (to determine the range of topics needed to be covered by the EIA).

The main topics of an EIA include:

The potential environmental impacts caused by the proposed development need to consider all those effects that are: positive and negative; direct and indirect; short- and long-term; permanent and temporary; primary and secondary; and cumulative.

Phlorum can manage and co-ordinate the EIA for a proposed development including the consultation and public consultation process.

Our Awards & Accreditations

Expert Witness Institute Logo Construction Line Logo SUSTAIN Logo PCA Logo Enviroment & Energy Awards Finalist Logo CHAS Logo ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 ISO 45001 Trustmark Logo The River restoration Logo Worksafe Logo Green growth Logo
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